Upcoming Events
Saturday, October 26
“Flower Essences for Ancestor Work”
Guest Lecture at Samhain Symposium
Connecting with ancestors and healing ancestral trauma is deep, sometimes challenging work. Working with plant allies through flower essences is an incredible way to gain insights and feel supported through this journey. In this presentation, Julia will introduce you to some of her favorite flower essences for ancestor work.
Saturday, November 9
“Kitchen Witchery for the Holidays”
Midwest Witchery & Healing
Rosemary for protection, Cinnamon for happiness, Dill for money."
If your stock pot is your cauldron, this class is for you!
You'll learn the folklore and magical history of herbs and spices in your cupboard, tips and tricks for turning your meals into spells (just in time for the holidays), and gain confidence to create your own kitchen witchery.